Giovanni Cavazzon

My Portraits

The splitting of the dithyramb – which made the first form of dialogue possible – permitted Dionysus to become a CHARACTER. And it is with this character that the representation of a story was born. “Let Tragedy have the high task of celebrating…” “Let Comedy have the arduous and demystifying course between the meander of contemporaneity…” Aristotle or Plato – in any case the Dramatic Arts – sanction the history of society over the ages, in good and in evil.
My coming into contact with set designing early on in life evoked a desire within me to avoid framing the character with the proscenium that separated him from the audience. On the contrary, I wanted him to be the one who announced and enjoyed the event at the same time.
I believe that a portrait is the least casual of pictorial categories. It is expressed by very complex signs which are not always simple to decode. And in fact, “... it is said that a good portrait is the portrait of society as well”. I perfectly agree with the above statement made by the painter Pasotti, a friend of mine (“Il Reporter”, n.2, Milano, 1976). I have always believed that portraying a person means making him recognizable to those who already know him, and, overall, making him recognizable to himself in an intimate and global way.


